Thursday, April 26, 2012

More professional unit of cell phone jammer to the customer

Mixing of different types of materials, such as polystyrene and ABS resin, AS resin, polypropylene, and polystyrene and so should not be mixed. Nine lines of the jet spray rhyolite from the gate along the flow direction, bending, such as hunting the traces of the same. It is caused due to the high resin injection speed from the gate. Therefore, measures to expand the burning of four cross-section or to reduce the injection speed is selectable. In addition, increasing the mold temperature can slow down the cooling rate of the resin in contact with the cavity surface, which prevent the formation of surface hardening of the skin early in the filling, with good results. Warping, deformation of the warpage of injection products, the deformation is a very difficult problem.  cell phone jammer  is for the foreign trader to notice and observe.
Mainly from the mold design is addressed, and the molding conditions of adjustment effects are very limited. Warping, deformation of the causes and solutions can refer to the following: 1) deformation caused by residual stress caused by the molding conditions, by reducing the injection pressure to improve the uniformity of the mold and the mold temperature and resin temperature or by annealing method to eliminate stresses. 2) Stripping bad cause stress and deformation can be resolved by putting the number or area, set Demoulding. 3) Due to the cooling method is not suitable, so that the cooling of uneven or insufficient cooling time adjustable cooling and extend the cooling time. For example, you can place close to the deformation in the cooling circuit. It is the process how the manufacturer selects cell phone jammer .
Deformation caused by mold shrinkage, it is necessary to amend the design of the mold. One of the most important should be noted that the wall thickness. Sometimes, in unusual circumstances, had to deformation by measuring products, in the opposite direction finishing mold, be corrected. Larger shrinkage resin, ~-like crystalline resin (such as POM, nylon, polypropylene, polyethylene and PET resin, etc.) than the non-crystalline resin (such as PMMA resin, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, ABS resin AS resin), deformation. In addition, because the glass fiber reinforced polymer fibers with anisotropic deformation. XI, the bubble-bubble based on the cause. To provide the better and more professional unit of  cell phone jammer to the customer.
Countermeasures to solve the following aspects: 1) large wall thickness, the outer surface cooling rate faster than the center, with cooling, the center of the resin edge contraction and expansion to the surface, so that The center would generate filling. This condition is called a vacuum bubble. The solution: a) according to wall thickness to determine the gate and runner size. The average gate height of wall thickness of 50% to 60%. b) until the gate sealing, leaving a supplementary injection material. C) injection time should be smaller than the gate closure together slightly longer. d) reduce the injection speed, injection pressure, and e) using the materials with high melt viscosity grades. The manufacturer can provide phone jammer of the good quality and high performance.

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